As you are gathering around with your loved ones this holiday season, you’ve probably asked yourself “How can I treat the loved pets of my life this Thanksgiving?”
A strong majority of dog owners celebrating this holiday see their dogs as part of the family, and therefore in need of their own special feasts. These special family members need to be treated with food that will help them celebrate the day and not make them sick (not to mention how unsavory a dog’s business is after a tummy ache).
Many pet owners don’t know what treats are safe for their different kinds of pets and what food will make them sick (or even poison them).
Human food is not always a good option, but there are some common cooking ingredients that your dog can enjoy this holiday season with a smile on their face and a settled stomach.
Peanut Butter
This dog favorite is pretty well known, but there is nothing wrong with sticking with the classics this holiday season. Peanut butter is a great source of protein, provides heart-healthy fats, vitamin B, niacin, and vitamin E. Your dog will be entertained with the process of downing this treat and you will get to enjoy the sight as well!
CAUTION: Always choose raw, unsalted peanut butter as any artificial sweeteners can be extremely dangerous for dogs. Make sure you keep your furry, little buddy happy and healthy each Thanksgiving.
Cooked Chicken/Turkey
Preparing chicken and treating your dog, in addition to their normal meals, is an easy way to make your puppy feel like part of the family. Turkey is a common item served on Thanksgiving but due to the numerous ways it is prepared, it can be dangerous for your dog. If you decide to feed your dog turkey this Thanksgiving, check out these tips you need to know to do it safely.
Baby Carrots
A vegetable that is good for humans and dogs alike?! Baby carrots help with canine teeth health, carry good vitamins, and are high in fiber for your dog. If teeth health is something you are trying to focus on for your dog.
Green Beans
According to the American Kennel Club, all types of green beans are safe for dogs to eat (as long as they are plain). Whether chopped, steamed, raw, or canned, they make a great food for your dog. They are also low on calories and filling for our furry friends watching their weight.
Salmon is a delicacy for your pet that can contribute to keeping your dog’s coat healthy and shiny, as well as supporting your dog’s immune system. Omega 3 fatty acids in this fishy snack make it a perfect treat. You can serve the salmon cooked, add oil to their hard food, or even share unwanted fish skin. The salmon must be cooked completely through as raw or partially cooked salmon can contain bacteria or parasites that can harm your dog.
Not only a festive choice for this Fall holiday, pumpkin is also a good source of fiber and vitamin A. It can help your pets digestive tract.
Here is a pumpkin and peanut butter treat recipe for your dog, a delightful and nutritious homemade snack that your furry friend will absolutely adore.
Some dogs are actually lactose intolerant, so knowing your pet's allergies is key to determining how you switch up their diets for special occasions. With any new food added to a pet's diet, monitoring their reaction to it (with small amounts first) is important before deciding to make it a routine treat.
Whether you treat your dog to something new this week or serve their normal dishes, what goes in must come out. Take care of your dog's business in an easy and environmentally conscious way with the new PooPail. The pail is sturdy and designed to last the life of your dog. The bag-liners are also made from plant-based products and the bags are biodegradable/compostable. They'll be available for purchase later this year at PooPail.Com
Always take time to research before adding new ingredients/food to your dog's diet. If you have any more questions, please also discuss them with your veterinarian.
What are your favorite foods to treat your dog with?
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